Olx Php Script | Olx Classified Script

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Modules Included  Just dial Website  Panels included for the above: User, Guest User, Wallet User, Admin, Vendor and Super Admin Front End Features:  Users  Full access for front end sign up, login, build profile, add listing, add product etc.  Administrator  Can full access of admin panel  Home(landing page)  Header  Top header  Sign up  Mobile  Basic information  Email Verification  SMS verification  Success step  Login  Facebook Login  Twitter Login  Middle header  Site Logo  Social Share  Search Section  Search box  Auto Select City  Auto Select area  Body section  Popular Search Category  Dynamic Category list  B2B category  B2B category will be show  Friends Rating Section  Friend Ratting will be show  Recent Listing  All recent listing will be show  Footer section  Top footer  Add free listing  About us  Privacy and policy  Terms and condition  Share your view  Advertise  Bottom footer  About us  Customer Care  Media  Site Map  City List Business Details Features:  Profile  My Ratings  My Friends Rating  Change password  Edit profile  Change Profile picture  Upgrade membership  Add Business  Basic information  Contact information  Other information  Business Keyword  Upload media  Phot os  Logo  Vide o  Manage business  Add product category  Add product subcategory  List category/subcatego ry  Add/edit product  Product list  Manage Category  View ratings of my business  Payment method  View order  Export order  Print order  View transaction  Export transaction  Print transaction  View Report  Business listing page  List of business according to category  List of business according to city and area  List of business according to  Business name  Contact number  Business logo  Establish year  Overall rating  Number of rating  Varified or not  Location  Send Message  View reviews  Edit business Top Features:  Filter Search  Filter search parameters will be dynamic  Search params will be according to business  Sorting options  According to location  Distance  User ratings  Special offer  Business Details  Business name  Contact number  Business logo  Establish year  Overall rating  Number of rating  Verified or not  Location  Send Message  View reviews  Edit business  Reviews & ratings  Write review  Payment method  View Business hours  Total ratings  Overall ratings  Share business with  Facebook  Twitter  LinkedIn  Product  Product list  Product name  Product description  Product picture  Price  Buy now  Rating review  Share with  Facebo ok  Twitter  LinkedI n  Filter product  Filter by price  Filter by product features  Filter options will be dynamic  Product details  Product name  Product price  Product description  Photos  Product features  Offer price  Buy now  Rating  Review  Social share  Facebook  LinkedIn  Twitter Features: Product List Product name Product description Product picture Price Buy now Rating review Share with Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Product details Product name Product price Product description Photos Product features Offer price Buy now Rating Review Social share Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Menu add (For some category like restaurant hotel) Add menu • Menu name Menu description Price Offer Edit menu Delete menu Appointment(For some category like Astrology, Advisor, Doctor ) Set appointment calendar Add appointment View appointment Confirmed appointment Cancelled appointment Advertisement Friends Ratings Admin Panel:  Password Protected Admin  Login  Change Password  Forgot Password  Dashboard  Website Over view  Statistics  Charts  Social sharing reports  Member Management  Member list  View business  Search member by id/name/phone number  Edit/delete/suspend Member  Group Management  Add/Edit group  Add icon  View Group  Delete Group  Category/Subcategory Management  List of category  Add/Edit category  Delete category  View subcategory  Add/Edit subcategory  Delete subcategory  Product Management  View product  View product details  Search product  View sells statistic  Transaction management  View transaction  Search transaction  Export transaction  Order management Extra Features:  Listing management  View business Profile  Address  Photo Gallery  Video  Working Hrs  View Rating and reviews  View report  View Contact  View message  Google Map  Approve listing  View product  View transaction report  Release money  Review Management  List of review  Filter review  Content Management  Add/Edit Content  View content  Delete content  Report management  List of report  Search report Newly Added Features:  Product Management  View product  View product details  Search product  View sells statistic  Transaction management  View transaction  Search transaction  Export transaction  Order management  View order  Search order  Export order  Review and ratings Management  List of review and ratings  Search review and ratings  Advertise position Management  Add position  Choose page  Edit position  Delete position More Additional Features : Advertisement Management  Add advertise  Choose advertise type  Banner or Google AdSense code  Choose page  Choose position  Delete advertise  Advertise request Management  List of advertise request  Search request  Approve request  Mail template Management  Add template  List template  Edit template  Delete template  News Letter  Send bulk newsletter  Site setting  Site title  Meta Contents  Emails  Other parameters setting for website  Sitemap  Add site map menu  Edit  delete UNIQUE FEATURES:  Easy To Use  Fully-Automated  Integrated SEO  Turn-Key Solution  Email Management  100% Customizable  Unlimited Listing  Payment Processing MULTI-VENDOR:  Each seller has a separate seller profile page & can edit their profile page on their own.  Seller can add banner, shop logo custom HTML text and also customize store as per any Color theme  Feedback and review system with interactive star rating.  Separate seller’s product collection.  Admin can add commission based on category.  Seller can do custom shipping .  Automatic approval of products and partners setting in the admin side.  Seller will have own dashboard to manage orders .  Seller can add Simple and Downloadable product.  Admin can restrict the account menu options and sequence .  Admin can select the order status for the seller. Only selected order status will be used by the seller for changing their product order status.  The admin can assign specific product categories to sellers.  The admin can pay to all sellers at once using Mass Pay-out.  Select Open cart store for the Marketplace.  The admin can preview the seller’s product.  The sellers can add tax information from the front-end.  Customers can view the estimated date of the delivery on the product page.  Sellers can use Seller-Customer Switcher to hide Marketplace menu.  PayPal email ID is verified through PayPal API.  Support Multi-stores.  Custom Field- Seller can add custom field by Marketplace Multi-vendor module and these custom fields will show on Product detail page.  Admin can create template-based emails for Marketplace which will be used, according to Admin selection.  Admin can find total sale by each seller and the admin income from any particular seller under “Marketplace Income”.  Admin can track the seller’s income, total order, total buyers, and latest order using dashboard field under edit partner page.  It supports Multi-Lingual feature.  Admin/Seller can change order status of each product.  Admin/Seller can enter tracking number for each product.  The customer can check out with multiple seller’s product at the same time.  Journal Theme Compatible USER PANEL:  Login  Forgot password  Registration  Search  Manage Profile  Sms details  Email log details  News Feeds  Products  Live Chat  All-in-one platform  Notifications  Login Credentials  Post business advertisement  In-built CMS  Feature Rich Admin Panel  Customized Admin panel  Creates business directory websites  Manage (content pages, email template, photo property)  Easy to install, manage, upgrade and support  Complete business directory eye catching template & easy to use  Easy News Publication System  Full CSS control WALLET USER  Sign in sign up options.  Personal my account details with history.  Get Email Options.  Get SMS Options.  Search option enabled .  User Wallet available .  Payment Gateway enabled.  Check status  Coupon codes.  Promotions codes .  Wallet offers credits.  Refer a friends…etc. GUEST USER PANEL  Search option enabled.  Fill details.  Payment Gateway enabled.  Check status  Refer a friends…etc TEMPLATE DESIGN Prepare a wire-frame based on the inputs given by the Client and monitored by the Business Team. Once approved, it is converted into a unique graphics design for the home page design using Photoshop. HOME PAGE CUSTOMIZATION  Top Menu Implementation with submenu support  Copyrights Footer module Implementation  Footer Menu Implementation  Left / Right side Custom text module  Quick Contact Info module  Inner Page Design and Customization, the layout will be differ from the Home Page  Converting the uniquely designed graphics design into CMS layout.  Configuring the CMS module Positions & layouts  Menu layout and position creation as per graphics design CONTENT PAGES  Adding content pages up to 10 pages with proper alignment  One or more images included in the page  A content page includes company profile, about us, Service details, vision-mission, History about company and Privacy policy etc. SLIDE SHOW – ADMIN FUNCTIONALITY  Admin can able to add images to the banner slide show  Admin can able to view/edit the images in the banner slide show  Admin can able to delete the images in the banner slide show FRONT END – SEARCH  Basic and Advance search option  Search result page with listing all matched entries with navigation  After select any one of the list , goes to the Entry detailed page  Display the Entry detail page  Option for select the entries from Alphabet USER MANAGEMENT USER REGISTRATION PROCESS  User Registration with specific fields like Username, Name, Email, Password,  Account activation using email verification code to avoid the junk registration  Login Module for user login from the front end  Recovery Password Option USER PROFILE PAGE  After login user can view their profile page  User can edit the profile details.  User can change the password.  The profile page has the following options  My accounts  My orders  My wish list  Others USER MANAGEMENT – ADMIN FUNCTIONALITY  Admin can view all the user list  Admin can edit the user profile details  Admin can delete / Block any user  HEADER  Home  Contact us  Account  Wish list  Cart MAIN MENU  Home  About us  Products  Categories and sub categories  Blog  Contact us PRODUCT CATELOGUE/CATELOGUE MANAGEMENT  The page is designed with the list of products  Each product is show with an image and the basic information like  Product name  Price  Discount  Size  Color  The page is sorted by price like  Low  High  All prices  The page is also having the filters like  New Arrivals  Color  Size  Brand  Price  Admin can add/edit/delete the products  CSV upload feature for details of the products in the CMS & XML upload option for the pictures QUICK LINKS  Products  Offers  Recent visit  Featured products  Others PRODUCT PAGE  Quick Look(add to cart)  zoom In effect  Product Information  Specification  Add to cart  Buy now  Add to compare  Similar goods  People also viewed  Others SHOPPING CART & CHECKOUT  User can click the buy now button, it will added in their cart  Again giving option for continue shopping or go to check out  Check out page process, showing the cart item list  User can update / delete the Items from the shopping cart  Shipping methods select page  Billing information collect page  Payment Method select page  Order confirmation page  Order email confirmation email will go to Admin and User  Shopping Cart with product images and editable quantities  Estimated shipping cost and tax before check-out  Express check out with minimum contact details and auto generated password  Pre-registered auto fill fields  Ability to choose delivery modes in check-out  Email opt-in during checkout  Automated abandoned cart recovery  Checkout as a Guest  One-page Checkout  Custom Message during Checkout for Delivery Instructions  Admin can manage the orders of the user.  Admin can accept/reject the order. BILLING  Generate Invoice in PDF  Get Invoice copy on email  Save invoice copy in User Account in website PAYMENT GATEWAY  Admin can View all the Payment Methods  Admin can modify the Payment Methods details  Support any one of the following payment  PayPal  Bank payment gateways  When the user selects for the pay now option, he need to fill few details about him.  User needed to choose the mode of payment which takes the user to fill the bank details ORDERS AND REPORTS  Admin can View all the Orders list  Admin can Edit / Delete Orders from the list  Admin can manage the orders of the user.  Admin can accept/reject the order.  Order can filter by Payment Status and Order Number  Admin can view the reports  Admin can filter the reports for Date Range, Monthly, Weekly, Daily USER, COUPONS, DISCOUNTS AND OTHERS  Admin can View all the Users and User Groups  Admin can Edit / Delete the users data  Admin can create a Coupon code for Discount  Admin can give the rewarding system to users  Admin can add any number of countries  Admin can add any number of Currencies  Based on the coupon code user will get discount SHIPPING MANAGEMENT  API integration WALLET  Customer Wallet would be attached within the site where refunds /cancellations could be deposited  Admin can add/edit/delete the inventory  Admin can set the inventory alerts  Once the inventory reaches the limit admin will receive the alerts COMMENT & RATINGS  User can write comments on any Products  There is an option of giving ratings for the products(5 star rating)  Admin can add/edit/delete any comment and rating MULTILANGUAGE/MULTI CURRENCY  Content will be provided by the client  Content Element Manager  Easy Translation  Translation module (admin)  More easy language handling (meta information)  Translation overview in the front end  Possibility for an unlimited amount of languages  Overview of the changed contents in the Translation list  Support for all the core components/modules of Joomla!  The operator will select the language to write the remarks  The user can selects the language to download the remarks and invoice  Provision to select the language & currency from the front end FORUM (ADMIN AND USER FUNCTIONALITY)  Ability to set up the configurations for the following information  General Configuration, Registration, User Profile, Images, Moderation, Connections (friends list)  Development of User Management for add/edit/delete or block user.  Development of Tab Management for add/delete/edit tab that appears at the front end.  Development of Field Management for add/delete/edit additional field for registration form and other forms .  Development of List Management for define the type how the user list should be displayed.  User Profile  User can edit, delete, update their profile  Have their contact info, personal info and additional info listed .  User Profile Image  User can upload their profile picture  Manage Connections  Manage (ban, delete, add) their own friends list  Manages friends in groups  View friends profile  Subscription, User can view their subscriptions  Blog, User can have their own blog entries and lists. Submit blog, add comment, view others blog.  Forum, User can have their forum post listed and view others forum  Articles, User can have their article listing and archived articles, User can send, receive and reply profile post.  User manage their album (upload and remove the images)  Slide show  Thumbnail preview for images  Configurable time interval for slide show preview  Sizeable – set width and height for your image gallery  CB profile gallery  User can upload the images  Limit the access of image view(friends only, all)  Extra fields in profile  Enhanced registration work flows  User lists  Connection paths between users  Admin defined tabs and user profiles  Image upload, front-end work flow management NEWSLETTER MANAGEMENT  NEWSLETTER – USER FUNCTIONALITY  Subscribe module for user subscription  Subscriber email extended validation  Subscription acknowledgment for email confirmation  Activate the subscriber using email activation.  User Unsubscribe option, when the user no need to receive the newsletter  NEWSLETTER – ADMIN FUNCTIONALITY  Test newsletter send by admin itself  Creating Newsletter using Html Editor  Sending bulk newsletter in Batch wise ( to avoid the spam)  Newsletter Template Creation, we can use the template at any time for sending the newsletter  Synchronize the user from the registered User, means convert the registered user into Newsletter subscriber in single click  Import / Export the subscribed Users  Block the user to avoid receiving newsletter TESTIMONIAL  Admin can view all the Testimonial  Admin can Add any number of Testimonial  Admin can Edit / Delete the existing Testimonial  Admin can published / Unpublished the existing Testimonial  Admin can change the order of existing Testimonial display in the front end  Testimonial base support Images  User can view all the list of Testimonial FAQ (ADMIN AND USER FUNCTIONALITY)  Admin can view all the FAQ’s  Admin can Add any number of FAQ’s  Admin can Edit / Delete the existing FAQ’s  Admin can published / Unpublished the existing FAQ’s  Admin can change the order of existing FAQ’s display in the front end  FAQ’s base support Images  User can view all the list of FAQ’s  FAQ’s support the Accordion Effects in the front end SEO FRIENDLY URL (ADMIN AND USER FUNCTIONALITY)  Generate SEF URLs  Advanced SEF URL management  Generate and manage meta data (component – based)  Can override default meta data generated by component or Joomla (title, meta tags)  Site-map generation  Keywords management  Duplicates management  Support for other components through extension modules; each component extension has own configurable parameters  Multilingualism support and URL localization  UTF-8 URLs support  URL caching  Editing access capability  URL variables filtering option – prevent URL code injections! With custom filter definitions  URL source tracing to help allocate problematic code  301 Re-directions management  404 Page Not Found customization GOOGLE ANALYTICS  Site Attendance  Visitors by IP address  Registered users  Page views  Popular pages  Traffic Sources  Referring Sites / referring pages URL  Popular Search queries  Operating systems and their versions  Browsers and their versions  Visitors Locations  Events (downloads, out bond links)  Indexed pages counter (Google, Yahoo, Bing (MSN), Yandex, Rambler, All the web, Ask, AltaVista)  Back links counter  Google Page Rank  Yandex TYC  Alexa Traffic Rank  New versions checker  Multi profiles  Visitors Locations  Events (downloads, out bond links)  Indexed pages counter (Google, Yahoo, Bing (MSN), Yandex, Rambler, All the web, Ask, AltaVista)  Back links counter  Google Page Rank  Yandex TYC  Alexa Traffic Rank  New versions checker  Multi profiles FOOTER  The footer menu mainly consists of  About us  Privacy policy  Security  Returns  Press  Newsletter  Terms and conditions  Others SOCIAL NETWORKING PLUGINS  Follow us on various social media (FB, Twitter, g+) CONTACT US PAGE  Contact us page will have with form with 5 to 6 fields  Once the form submitted , email will go to Admin email id  Display the address of the Office location  Google Map support for display the Office Location


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